Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 11, 2011

The last lesson!

Today is the last session of Technology and World Change module. I have learnt a lot during the course. When I attended the first session of this module, I know hardly anything about technology, its development and its impacts on human lives. In the first session, I was exposed to the historical timeline of technology and the role of human civilization with technology emergence. The session was really important because it brought to me basic knowledge for the whole course. Then through each class, I really broaden my knowledge on this field. I have learnt about industrial development, biobusiness technology, energy revolution and many more interesting topics. Although these technology developments have been around, without this Technology and World Change class, I will have never known all these information.

Today is also our group’s presentation. We decided to do the topic of vaccines because vaccine is one of the most significant innovations of the world in medical field. Before the invention of vaccine, the level of mortality due to serious pandemics and infectious diseases was really high. It was only until 1796 that the first vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner. This first vaccine creation was the foundation of vaccine development. After the first invention, many more vaccines were developed to protect people from variable diseases.

In the future, for the industry to grow, there have to be drivers. Despite high standard of living, human still have to face many serious pandemics and diseases around the world. And rapid growth of population put pressure on producers to provide sufficient quantity of vaccine for the population. Therefore, companies and societies need to invest in R&D to invent new vaccines to prevent human from potential diseases. There is also technology driver of vaccine development. The draft of human genome mapping was finished in 2003, brings deeper understanding about human body and can be a lead to vaccine innovations in the near future. Nanotechnology and genetic technology will also contribute to the development of vaccine. In the future, we will have needle-free, pain-free method of vaccine delivery. There are two possible new methods: Nanopatch and edible vaccine. Using nanotechnology, Nanopatch comprises arrays of densely packed projections. Edible vaccine is a vaccine in which an antigenic protein is engineered into an edible plant. After ingestion, the protein is uncloaked and recognized by the immune system. New vaccine delivery methods will brings a lot of benefits to human life because they reduce cost of delivery, reduce risk of needle injuries and make vaccines more accessible.

Although my group has put a lot of effort to the website and the content, we still have to research more on future possibilities of vaccines such as cancer vaccines and therapeutic vaccines.

To sum up everything, I can not expect more or ask for more from class. Each week is truly an enlightenment for me on different field of technology. But the course is not only about technology but it also focuses on how technology can create a sustainable and equal future for the world. Moreover, the course also builds me a habit of reading technology news, which is really helpful and help me to be more up-to-date with developments.

Finally, I rated today session and the whole course 10 out of 10. I wish that the course lasted longer!

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 11, 2011

Week 12

“You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” – Oscar Wilde

Today is the first session of group presentations. Topics that my classmates’ groups choose are wide-ranged from e-commerce, kinetic technology, GM food to finding love online. All of these topics are elaborated in depth and in detail. Groups also put a lot of effort on their websites.

With the presentation on online love, I get a lot of new information about this interesting field. Because I have never tried any love finding online website, the presentation really helps me to understand more about the business.

Kinetic techonology brings to me a comprehensive understanding about future technology which can really bring changes to how the world will generate energy in the future.

Last but not least, the presentation on GM food also bring depth understanding to me. As I talked about GM food for my individual presentation, I can see that the group has put great effort to research on the topic and actually give me some new information about GM food. Genetically modified food is food derived from genetically modified organism which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally

Crop can be genetically modified to be more nutrious, have bigger sizes or pest & insect resistant. The articles focuses on genetically modified seeds which are created to lock insecticide chemicals into the structure of plant cells to make them less attractive to the insects which want to eat them.

There are 3 main advantages of growing GM plant. First, GM crop produce higher crop yield since its gene is resistant to insect. The tradtional method of using insecticide is not as effective because insecticide is often spread unevenly around the crop field. But when insecticide chemicals are inserted in plants’ genes, it assure the effectiveness of insect resistance and therefore, the crop yield is improved. Second, GM plants help protect environment. It saves waters and also protect soil from absorbing toxic chemicals from pesticide. Moreover, growing GM plants reduces the amount of tilling that leads to soil erosion. Third, by growing insect-resistant plants, farmers do not have to dirrectly contact with pesticide which is really harmful. Having said that, people should be careful when they produce GM food to make sure that it is safe for consumption.

In conclusion, I rated this class session 9/10 because all presentations are prepared thoroughly and give me new understanding about wide ranged issues.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2011

Technology assessment and forecasting

“Change is the law of life”-John F Kennedy
As we are going to last lessons, the topic focuses more and more towards the future. Technology, after all, is invented to create better future for human kind.

In today lesson, Prof shows some videos that illustrate many possible developments in the future in different fields. Changes are happening everywhere in some main megatrends. There are potential developments in communication, new sources of energy, new methods to create friendlier environment in the social context that more and more buildings and factories are built. Augmented reality can also bring a lot of benefits to daily life. Possibilities are at everywhere, in every field around the world and people are preparing, investing to create a better future. So how can we get the best out of potential development?

But the crucial thing when people develop technology is that we need a clear vision. So why do we need a vision? “Look before or you will see yourself behind” Benjamin Franklin.
Foresight helps companies and countries to use the full potential of new technology and develop in the right track. Because possibilities are at everywhere, focus is the key to develop. We have to understand and acknowledge the current situation, where are gaps, what have to be better. Then we need to think about the vision, what we want to have in the future. Then look at the current situation and the future and have investment to innovate, invent to make the future vision come true. We also have to differentiate between long term and short tem innovations in order to distribute investments.

In order for technology to develop and serve human need, we need need to gain an understanding of what kinds of changes a tech can bring and decide whether and when to invest in R&D. Because R&D requires large financial investment, the government has to consider carefully about what field to invest on. Government has to understand what is the technology that will bring most value to society, is that agriculture, or health care, or renewable energy...

Analyzing the future potential of technologies so that we can take advantage of existing technologies to create the future and to know whether any technology can be invented to make the situation better. Some factors can motivate future technology are policies, network building, public engagement…

There are also many methodologies to achieve future vision. SWOT analysis: a strategic planning method used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in applying or discovering a technology. SWOT analysis involves specifying the objective of the technology and identifying internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve the vision of future. SWOT analysis is really important because it helps people to decide whether they should invest in the technology, which technology goes with each other and whether it helps us to create the future vision.

Topics for further dicussion:
  1. What technology worths most investment in Singapore now?
  2. We talk a lot about technology’s role in the world development. Will there be any possibilities that technology can destroy the world?

Personal rating: 9/10. As I have gone through all lessons, I find classes are more and more interesting. I learn about new perspectives, new possibilities and overall, how many wonderful things technology brings to the world.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 10, 2011

The Future

“Imangination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, whicle imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
- Albert Einstein

Nowadays, changes are the only certain thing. So what should we expect in the future? What will our imagination take us to? These are questions which were discussed in class today.

Why the world keeps changing and developing new technology? There are many drivers motivate future technology. First, since people always want to make lives easier and more convenient, people want more advanced and interactive technologies. For example, When there are needs in the market, companies will try to take the opportunity to develop new products. Second, there is also technology driver that lead to new development and possibilties. Iphone and Ipad are good examples for technology driver. People only need a mobile phone to keep contact with others when they go out. Customers did not expect or think about something like Iphone before since they do not really have need for a new kind of mobile phone. But when Iphone was introduced due to advanced technology developed by Apple, people started trying Iphone and eventually, Iphone becomes indispensable for many people. Iphone creates its own market and becomes the most popular mobile phone in the world. Although technology drivers need much investment and time to be developed, they actually create many possibilities. When a new technology is developed without market driver, people will look at it in many perspectives and can come up with more possibilities to apply the techonology. That being said, whatever the driver is, the most important thing for future technology development is people’s desire and determination to turn imagination into reality. People must dare to imagine, but more important, dare to act, to innovate new things.

Some new emerging technologies

Make new products possible. Arrange carbon in new ways to create sth new. One example of nanotechnology which I research for the group project is nanopatch. It is a new way of vaccine delivery. Nanopatch is a needle-free, pain-free method of vaccine delivery. The Nanopatch comprises arrays of densely packed projections with a defined geometry and distribution designed to physically target vaccines directly to thousands of epidermal and dermal antigen presenting cells. These miniaturized arrays are two orders of magnitude smaller than standard needles and are also much smaller than current microneedle arrays.

Using needles to deliver vaccines is popular worldwide. While this method is efficient and does not bring about problems in cites, it is really not an effective way to distribute vaccines to countryside and remote areas. The application of nanopatch will make transportation easier. Because the Nanopatch requires neither a trained practitioner to administer it nor refrigeration, it has enormous potential cheaply deliver vaccines. Moreover, nanopatch-delivered vaccines do not need refrigeration like traditional vaccines. Therefore, in the time of wars or pandemics, vaccines will be more accessible to remote areas since the cost of transportation is lower and vaccines are easily stored.

Augmented reality:
This technology is also mentioned in a presentation today. The future for this technology is promising since it creates interactive and real life situations. First, augmented reality is already used in computer games to create more interesting and real environment for players. Second, this technology is also applied in mobile phone application. By using augmented reality, GPS and camera, smart phones can identify where you are and then give directions or provide information about restaurants, shops around. This application will grow significantly in the future because of its convenience and effective interactions with users. Third, augmented reality can be applied interactive teaching and learning. Since the technology enables students to see events vividly as real life, they will have better learning experience.

Issues for further discussion:
-          Would advanced technology will make people too dependent on internet and equipment?
-          Is there any limitation of possibilities that humans can attain?

Personal rating:
I rate today lession 9 out of 10 because class is interesting and give me a lot of information about future technology development.

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 10, 2011

World Change and Energy Revolution

“If everyone consumed as much energy as the average Singaporean and US resident, the world’s oil reserves would be depleted in 9 years”

Energy is indispensable in human lives nowadays. From the time human know how to use energy, the demand for energy is growing significantly. People need energy in their daily activities, companies need energy to manufacture products… Coal and oil are two dominant sources to produce energy. The graph about global primary energy consumption showed in class illustrates a continual increase in oil and coal consumption in 25 consecutive years. People are using oil and coal to produce energy since they are cheap and accessible sources. However, in order to ensure energy security, people have to look for alternative sources to produce energy.

There are many drivers of global energy change. First, population growth and the global economic development make the world’s energy consumption increase dramatically. People are facing with the problem of resource exhaustion as a result of excessive consumption. At the same time, people also have to concern about energy distribution among countries. Developed countries are using high amount of energy while in some parts of the world, people can not access to electricity or lack energy to maintain production. Second, countries are trying to become more sustainable. Countries now are aware of the importance of sustainable development, countries and organizations are investing more to find new technology, new energy resources. Developed countries are investing in green sources of energy for a long time and big developing countries are catching up fast in the progress. China is now the world largest investment of $ 48 billion investment on alternative energy. This shows China’s focus on sustainable development and its strategic plan to provide enough energy for its large population. Last but not least, new technology and approaches is also technology driver of global energy changes. As advanced technology is available, people can consider new possibilities, new approaches to attain sustainability.

Still, the main question is “Is it possible to be energy green?” People are using wind power, solar power and water power to generate energy. But are natural resources enough to provide energy for growing demand of the world? Astonishingly, the answer is yes. Prof tells us one fact in class that is truly surprising. He said the amount of energy produced in one hour by the sun is equal to the energy human produce in 1 year. Therefore, there are so many possibilities to be more sustainable in energy production. We have to discover new tech to capture more solar energy. If we find effective method to combine renewable method, it is more than enough to meet the world demand. The government should create right incentives for companies and citizens to change to green energy. For example, in one video showed class, German government is encouraging its citizen to use solar panels for energy supply. Despite the fact that German has relative small amount of sunshine, German government finds benefits in using solar energy. It is said that if people invest on solar panels, consequently most solar energy owners have benefits.  We are also introduced about solar plant in desert and solar farming. All are possibilities for people to be independent of energy supply.

All things considered, the only problem remains is whether we are determined to be energy green. It is not easy to achieve energy sustainability but with the combined efforts of governments and socities, sooner or later, human can be independent of energy sources.

Personal rating: 9/10 The lesson is interesting and brings to me a lot of insights on green engery production. Interesting and informative videos also make the lesson more fun.

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 9, 2011

Technology and Environment, Agriculture

“When we are able to grow the resources we need, we will finally be on the road to sustainability.” – Gurinder Shahi

The world is growing really fast today, may be too fast. We are using massive amount of raw materials every day for production and consumption. Much of the raw materials are non renewable resources such as fossil fuel, wood… If we continue consume non renewable resources even at reducing amount, sooner or later we will have to face the shortage of resources. Prof points out this problem today in class and I think it is an up-to-date problem of society. As Prof suggests, the only way for human to attain sustainability is to grow our own resources. In fact, technology advance is enabling human to do that. People are developing different sources for energy, different ways of growing food thank to biotechnology advance.
Controversial topics in agribiology:
-          Agribiology vs Agribiotechnology
-          Farmer of farmist
-          Growing food vs growing energy resources:
In order to provide enough energy for industries, people take a lot of efforts to produce energy. People are taking farming land to create energy resources. But that action is followed by the shortage of farming land. The increase in price of food shows that people are taking too much valuable farm land to grow energy resources and therefore food is becoming scarce.  We need to provide enough food first hand and also produce energy for economic growth. How to balance between food and energy? We have to find new method of managing land, use it more productively and effectively.

-          GM or not GM:
GM food is a revolutionary innovation of biotechnology. Plants are genetically modified to be more nutritious, have bigger sizes or resistant to pest and insects. GM food has many advantages. It reduces soil erosion, protects environment and farmers’ health. Moreover, GM plants reduce production cost and produce higher crop yield. GM plants are even considered as the way to provide enough food for the world since it is an effective way of growing food for growing population.
However, as I mentioned in my presentation, GM food brings about potential risks to human health. Scientists should conduct more researches to figure out whether all GM food is safe for human because health is a serious issue. If GM food adversely affects health, consumers must be informed and protected. Moreover, the government also has to be more responsible and concern more about the consumption of GM food. GM food needs suitable regulations and labeling system so that customers can choose what they want to eat.

Food security:

According to FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization, food security is a condition where all people at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. As the population is growing fast and the gap of rich and poor is larger and larger, food security becomes increasingly important issue. With less land and bigger population size, how can we manage to feed all people in the world? In order to attain the goal of food security, there are many areas have to be changed for the better. Biotechnology will enable human to provide enough food for everyone since biobusiness is still in the “valley opportunities.” Disruptive innovations in biotechnology will create new ways of production with higher efficiency so that people can develop to the summit of biobusiness landscape.

Personal rating:
9/10. Today class is really interesting since the topic agriculture is really relevant to daily lives. And I have my first individual presentation in SMU.

Topics for further discussion:

  1. Should society replace GM food with organic food?
  2. Is GM food is dispensable to provide food security?

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 9, 2011

Biobusiness revolution

There are only two ways to live your life. 
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

- Albert Einstein -


Biobusiness is commercial activities based on an understanding of life sciences and life science processes. Biobusiness is relatively a new kind of business but it has been developing at such a fast pace. It has already constituted 25% global GDP. This fascinating development indicates that biobusiness has a lot of potential and it can change human lives in many fields such as biomedical, environment…  Among many biobusiness sectors, the market size of health care is large, especially in the United States. It is evident that the more society develops, the more people concern about their health care. According to the table of global biobusiness market size in 2001 that Prof shows us in class, US health care market size in 2001 is more than a half of global market size. However, Prof points out the problem that health care investment is mostly spent on extending last few years of lives rather than on providing proper health care for young generation. This can be a serious issue for countries which are having or will have aging population since the health care expense will be such a big burden. Prof also gives class details about health care revolution. Nowadays, more and more medicines and vaccines are invented to cure or prevent people from suffering diseases.

Key takeaway points:


One presentation in class today brings back the topic of immortality. It is an interesting topic because as the technology is more and more advanced, people now can think about mortality not as a fiction but non-fiction topic. The science base is that technology advances can enable people to produce some pharmaceutical that can reactivate telomere production in the cells. It is possible that in the near future, people can actually choose whether they want to live their lives forever. Interestingly, although the idea of mortality is fascinating, not many people in class want to be immortal. In the view of individuals, lives are only meaningful when you have limited time so that you appreciate what you experienced. In the view of society, immorality is actually a serious problem. If people are immortal, the population can not be controlled and natural resources can not be enough to satisfy human needs.

Moral hazard

Moral hazard arises when an individual or institution does not take the full consequences and responsibilities of its actions, and therefore has a tendency to act less carefully than it otherwise would, leaving another party to hold some responsibility for the consequences of those actions. Moral hazard is an issue in health insurance industry. People who buy health insurance are less responsible since they have already paid for the services, they have incentives to ask for more health services than necessary. This action can lead to escalation in the health care cost and waste of time and resources.

Issues for further discussion:
1. Should society invest on searching for immortality method or should it invests only on health care services?
2. How the health care revolution can ensure the access of health care for everyone?

Personal rating:

Brief Outline: Mass Production

I.       Specific innovation of interest: Mass production
Mass production (also known as serial production) is the production of large amounts of standardized products, including and especially on assembly lines. This technology is first introduced by Henry Ford with his method of producing affordable cars. However, the technology does not limited at car production but are applied to various kinds of products. It really changes the way goods are produced since it is an effective method to produce goods in large numbers and lower price.
II.    Rationale for selecting this innovation
Mass production is a revolutionary change. It is the production model that contribute to the world economy by increasing productivity and decrease prices. As mass production are applied more and more, its impacts on economy are remarkable. However, since everything has two sides, by reviewing this particular innovation, I can deeply analyze impacts and the possible future of mass production.
III. Proposed Approach to Development of Paper
  1. Executive summary
This review paper provides an understanding about mass production, its history the current situation, how it impacts the world as it is today and the future of mass production. The review paper focuses on impacts of mass production on the world. It also analyzes advantages and disadvantages of mass production. Further analysis suggest the future development of mass production – mass customization.

  1. Introduction/ Background
·         Mass production concepts
·         History
-          The invention of mass production
-          Mass production is applied widely

  1. Current situation
·         How mass production is applied in different industries
·         Advantages and disadvantages
-          Provide cheaper products
-          Increase in productivity
-          Lack of variety
-          Not responsive to changes in design
·         Need for changes in the old mass production model

  1. Discussion & Analysis
Mass production and society
-          Impacts on customers
-          Impacts on workers

  1. Taking things toward
·         The future of mass production: Mass customization
-          Introduction
-          Adavantages of mass customization compared with mass production

  1. Conclusion
Mass production is a significant revolutionary change in human history since it changes methods of production. However, as the world is changing, the old mass production model should be replaced by mass customization.

  1. Reference

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 9, 2011

ICT and world change

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is an indispensable factor in the world development. ICT includes mass media, internet, gaming, wireless technologies, interactive communications, information system, cloud computing, knowledge management etc… ICT has gone through massive development from the time it first emerged.

Mass media in the past is a passive means of communication. People got information from televisions or newspapers and accepted these information as the matter of fact. But nowadays, electronic newspapers and social networks enable people to discuss their concerns, get feedbacks from others, not only in their neighborhood, in their countries but from people around the world. Mass media has evolved from a passive means of communication into an interactive, flexible means for people to share and challenge perspectives. One presentation in the class also discuss the future of television. Televisions in the future interact with audiences effectively to satisfy audiences’ needs. Audiences do not passively watch a movie but they can decide its endings. Mass media has evolved from a passive means of communication into an interactive, flexible means for people to share and challenge perspectives.

Internet also observes a impressive development from Internet 1.0 to 2.0 and then 3.0. At the stage of 1.0 and 2.0, people create content and share information on the internet. Electronic newspapers and forums enable people to receive information and share their interests. Social network websites such as Facebook, Twitter remove distances among people so that people can interact everywhere. Internet is now going towards Internet 3.0. As Prof said, Internet 3.0 is the continuation of the earlier stages. At the stage of Internet 3.0, Internet will involve in every single activities. Machines are also interconnected, information is exchanged freely from people to machines and devices in order to satisfy individual needs. As Prof pointed out, some companies such as Google or Amazon have already applied Internet 3.0 to satisfy customers’ needs.

The importance of knowledge management is mentioned one more time in the class. Since people are heading to knowledge economy, the role of knowledge management can not be denied. Companies which wants to survive in the modern economy must transfer knowledge from their experts to employees and also take advantage of their employees’ ideas and knowledge. The efficiency of knowledge management is related to the productivity gain in society. Prof shows graph “Capturing the value of ICT/Knowledge Revolution” which demonstrates the productivity gain of human development stages. According to the graph, ICT/ Knowledge Revolution has not grown its full potential. How to grow full potential is an important question to be answered. One way to gain productivity is improving knowledge management. Moreover, people should apply ICT into solving fundamental issues such as improving education quality, alleviating poverty so that people everywhere have equal opportunities to grow their potential.

“Today’s real borders are not between nations, but between powerful and powerless, free and fettered, privileged and humiliated.”
- Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations -
One question raised by the class today is "How ICT/ Knowledge Revolution can improve equality in society?"

Personal ratings: 8/10

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 9, 2011

All about changes

Brief overview:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives; nor the most intelligent; It is the one that most adaptable to change.”
- Charles Robert Darwin

What can we learn from the quote? The world is changing and never should people get too specialized. People always need to keep responsive and flexible since societies, companies and technology are changing. If you fail to be adaptable, you are likely to get obsolete and falling behind. The world is changing every day as the matter of fact. But what drive these changes? There are many drivers in different aspects that can lead to world changes.

Now let’s look closer to changes. There are two types of changes: Revolutionary and evolutionary changes. In this week class, we focus on revolutionary changes. Revolutionary changes can range from simple innovations such as wheels… to more complex inventions. The most significant difference distinguishes these two kinds of changes is that revolutionary change is more disruptive. It means that disruptive changes change the way things are done permanently. For example, before emails are invented, delivery mails are indispensable in daily lives. But emails change the way people send information forever. As I read in a newspaper recently, United States Postal Service is nearing default as email has emerged and exploded and people no longer want to use postal service anymore.

Changes happen everywhere in every aspect of society. As a result, people must know how to Therefore, change management and change leadership are important skills to be successful in modern markets. People often mistaken between change management and change leadership. In fact, these are two different roles and can be distinguished by many features. Prof and reading materials suggest that change leaders are ones initiate original ideas, set up visions, dare to take risks and inspire other people while change managers are ones focusing on structures and systems in order to regulate changes. Change managers should be meticulous and have abilities to find and fix wrong things and also stabilize the system.

Key take-away points:

  • Model “Proactively Managing Change – Understanding the Pessimism-Time Curve”

As we talk deeply about changes, we should mention how individuals manage change. Prof shows us “Proactively Managing Change – Understanding the Pessimism-Time Curve” model, which indicates four stages to proactively manage changes. The first stage is uninformed optimism in which individuals create new ideas and feel optimistic about the future of their ideas. The next two stages are informed pessimism and informed realism. When more information is taken into consideration, many difficulties and obstacles arise and make the ideas impractical. Despite difficulties, individuals should not give up and try to work out the reality.

  • Management methods in modern world

In times of disruptive change your expected future is no longer valid.  Leaders need to think and act differently in order to chart a new course for the enterprise.
Doug Berger – The innovators

Now many countries has been changing from industrial economies into post-industrial economies, management method has to adjust to that fundamental change. In industrial economies, companies try to manage their employees to follow orders and work as hard as possible. However, in knowledge economy, the management task is much more difficult because managers have to deal with intellectual properties. Since employees work with more complicate issues, the management method in which employees strictly follow instructions is not effective anymore. In knowledge economies, employers want their employees to contribute new ideas, innovations to companies. Therefore, managers have to give employees incentives and opportunies to creats more values. Companies should empower their employees, give them responsibilities so that they can feel the sense of belonging and contribute more to companies.

Issues for further discussion:

What is the effective way that can motivate people to contribute their best to companies?

Personal rating:

I rate this week lesson 8/10

Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 8, 2011

Sustainability and Innovation Management

During the development, people face trade-offs. In the past, people use surrounding resources to survive. They hunt animals for food, cut tress to have enough land for agriculture. Nowadays, with the emergence of industrial development, people exploit more natural resources, destroy nature to build houses, factories… People are facing trade-offs between economic development and environmental well-being. Do we have to face this trade-off? We can only have either economic development or environmental well being or is there any approach that gives us the best of both worlds? That is the topic we discussed in our TWC class this week.

We are introduced to concepts of linear models and cyclical models. Linear models represent movements of products from the beginning point, which is natural resources, to production, distribution, consumption and to disposal. The model is simple and logical but it is the system in crisis regarding the beginning and ending point. Since the system is linear, the beginning point is not sustainable. We use resources for production but have no solution for the reduction and exhaustion of natural resources. Moreover, the system stops at disposal, which may lead to environmental problems.

If the world continue to use this model as its production model, its next generations may have to face with pollution and natural resources exhaustion. That is the main reason for people to consider more sustainable production and consumption methods. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To be sustainable, we need to change the linear model into cyclical model, which balances all factors and maximize value without taking all natural resources or turn the world into a place of pollution.

So how can technology help people to achieve sustainability? Technology has enabled people to have alternative energy sources such as solar and wind energy. Although these sources are not sufficient but they still make people more independent of fossil fuel, the traditional energy source. One of the presentations in class is about the production of palm oil. Although palm oil is potential, it still needs more considerations on the cost and efficiency.

As technology have an important part in sustainable development, innovations are more and more essential. The reading “Environment fact sheet: industrial development” puts emphasis on technology innovation stimulation in order to drive progress towards sustainable industrial practices. Innovation refers to the creation of more effective products or ideas that are accepted by markets and society. It means that creative ideas are innovations only when they can be applied. “The R-D-A Translation Process” demonstrates three steps of an innovation. Through researches, people get new ideas and insights about problems and try to translate understandings into practical solutions and finally apply solutions in reality.

The most interesting point in this topic is the concept of “advantages of backwardness.” “Advantages of backwardness” means that countries, companies and individuals can learn from those who went before. They can reuse, reapply technology and innovations which others spent a lot of time and money to think about. Therefore, countries, companies or individuals can shorten their research process and simultaneously can also their own innovations. Moreover, they also avoid making unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, the concept of “Advantages of backwardness” is worth considerations, especially for developing countries so that they have better opportunities to catch up with the rest of the world.

Around topics of this week’s lessons, I have one issue for further discussion. How can developing countries can use the advantages of backwardness effectively to develop as fast as possible? And for this week class, I rate it 8.5 out of 10.

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 8, 2011

Human Development & Global Dominance

Brief overview/Summary:

Topics of this week’s lesson are global dominance and human development. Dominance means some companies or countries have power over others at one or some fields. There are many dimensions of global dominance; Different companies or countries are dominant in different dimensions. But the most remarkable thing that Prof shows me in this topic is the “Organizational behavior model for identifying innovation leaders and dominant players”, which tells me that all people have opportunities to be better and dominant. The second topic for class is Technology and Human Development.  In my perspective, technology and human development are mutually affected. On one hand, technological innovations can lead to global development (E.g.: world wide web…) On the other hand, world developments motivate people to invent new technology (The change in how people use internet leads to the boom of Yahoo, Google, YouTube, Facebook…).

In this week’s lesson, the first three students had their presentation. They talk about Google; Technology & singularity, transhumanism & immortality; Technology and Genetic Engineering. They are all well prepared and bring new interesting information to me.

Key takeaways:

  • It is a changing world

Plough deep while sluggards sleep – Benjamin Franklin

“Organizational behavior model for identifying innovation leaders and dominant players” of Prof really catches my attention. Dominant players are placed at the top of a triangle, showing that they are better and have power over others at one or more fields. However, that fact only shows one part of the story. There are also rising and falling stars indicated in the graph. Rising and falling stars are distinguished by many features, which can show their potential developments. Dominant players, although have more advantages than others, can be a falling star and lose their dominance in the future. History has proven this point by many examples. In conclusion, the most important factor is not whether you are dominant but is the attitude of always changing and refreshing yourself.

  • People must overcome adversity to develop

The greater difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests – Epicurus

In the lesson, Prof shows a video called “History of the world in 7 minutes.” The video focuses on human development from 15,000 years ago to present. I was really impressed by the development of ancient people since despite the fact they have limited tools, knowledge and were strongly affected by many diseases, they still survived and became more and more prosperous. The video really shows human’s strong nature, people can never be impeded by severe conditions but always try to discover and invent new things and overcome difficulties. That explains the fascinating human development with many innovations, technology to make the world a better place for humankind.

  • No one should get left behind

When discussing human development in class, Prof shows the video “The Millennium Development Goals.” It is such a thoughtful video because even when technology is at an advanced level, when many people and countries are so prosperous, there are still many problems existing. Although food is thrown away every day, many people all over the world are living in poverty and hunger, can not access to basic health care and utilities. Many children still do not have opportunities to go to school and women in many places are discriminated. Despite all the magical developments, advanced technology over the world, there are people left behind. Is that what human is aiming for? Are we trying to improve living standards for some and ignore other people being left behind? The answer is no. We are aiming for a world where everyone is equal and has same opportunities to access to basic necessities. That is the reason we have The Millennium Development Goals to make sure that the world is changing for the better for everybody.

Issues for further discussion

  • How technology and world change can help to eliminate poverty in all societies?

Personal rating
The lesson brightens me in many aspects. I have learned about interesting concepts about dominances and human developments. Therefore, I rated the lesson 8.5/10

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 8, 2011

Technology is changing the world

It is my first class at TWC and also my first class for this year. So I am quite nervous and excited at the same time. And the first session really makes a good impression on me because I know I will learn much in this TWC course.

The first session is a brief introduction to technology and its impacts on modern civilization. In the first part of the lecture, Prof shows us a video called “Shift happens”. It tells us about society at different countries around the world and how techonology changes people’s lives. The second part of the lecture is about modern civilization. Prof shows “A timeline of time” which records details on human development from the past till the present and after that, he focuses on the question “Why you white men have so much cargo and we New Guineans have so little?” which is raised from the video “Guns, Germs and Steel.”

  1. Technology is developing fast and affecting society

The video “Shift happens” includes many facts about the society and technology. These facts at first seem trivial but together, they tell a story about human lives in the age of technology.

“Over 106 millions registered users of MySpace (Sep 2006)”
“If MySpace was a country, it would be 11th largest”
“2.7 billion searches performed on Google each month”
“The number of texts & messages sent & received everyday exceeds the population of the planet”

All these facts show one thing, technology is developing faster than ever. In the past, we had to rely on traditionally delivered paper mail to get in touch with friends, on books to get information. But technology is here for reasons. Now we can share picture, update news from others or access to information and find solution for questions easily. We are truly living in an exponential time, and the essential task is to use the advantages technology brings about to make our lives better.

  1. Impacts of geographical differences

“Why you white men have so much cargo and we New Guineans have so little?”
It seems so obvious that the white men are more prosperous than New Guineans. There are many reasons that explain the situation but the essential reason is geographical features. On one hand, New Guineans live in forests; Hunting and gathering are main ways for New Guineans to have food. However, hunting and gathering is not efficent and therefore, they only have food to support small population. On the other hand, in the Middle East, weather enables farmers to grow crops which is much more productive and food is also more nutrious. They have enough food to serve large population and therefore, the society has opportunities to develop. Even geographical differences are not the only reason but it really impacts development and modern civilization.

After the first session, I have two issues for further discussion:
  • Is there any limit to technology development?
  • Can technology help to solve the disparity among different parts of the world?

All things considered, I will rate the first session 8/10. I feel engaged and also learn many new ideas and interesting observations.